
The European Commission published a list of plastic products that are prohibited


According to recent researches, more than 80 percent of trash in the world comes from plastic products.

The average age of a person’s life starts noticeably decreasing.

During the meeting of the European Commission for plastic trash question, a list of plastic products was adopted and published, which, according to members of the Commission,  are dangerous  and entail for their distribution significant harm to the environment.

The European Commission published a list of plastic products that are prohibited

So, in the list of prohibited items from plastic there are: plastic cutlery, disposable containers and cups, plastic bottles, bags, and even ear sticks and rows of seemingly harmless things.
However, the prohibition does not imply strict imperativeness: the reduction in the use of plastic products will occur gradually. The final cessation of use is aimed at 2023.

According to the expectations of the European Commission, the proposed measures should have a positive impact on the current state of the environment. First, the level of pollution of the world’s oceans will decrease. Secondly, the level of carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced. Thirdly, the measures will help to avoid the cost of restoring the environment.

Now the matter rests for the EU member countries, which must implement the plans of the European Commission to improve the state of the ecological environment.