In this section you will find relevant articles and interesting video content related to the topic of environmental care.

Environmental problems require urgent attention. This is why many strategies are being developed today in order to solve them. For example, many enterprises are actively switching to environmentally friendly technologies ♻️, waste-free and resource-saving production is being created, and measures aimed at protecting water resources are being introduced.

Understanding how anthropogenic activity affects the nature of the environment, and how these changes affect the ecology of our planet, will help create a common nature conservation strategy that will cover virtually all aspects of human life. The fight against environmental pollution and global climate change begins with inculcating culture and ecological literacy into the population, restructuring the value system that has been established for centuries.

Where the balloons disappear

At every party there are always balloons. We launch tens and hundreds of balloons into the sky, without even thinking where they land.

But you should know that the place of their landing are the seas and oceans. Rubber remains of ballons becomes ...

Why we should refuse to using plastic straws

You probably know how many tons of plastic waste each year falls into the world's oceans. But think for a second about the fact that every plastic straw that has ever been produced exists somewhere until now.

Of course, plastic straws don't takes ...

“Before the Flood”

The documentary by Leonardo DiCaprio and National Geographic

Film director: Fisher Stevens

Script: Mark Monroe

Producers: Trevor Davidovski, Jennifer Davisson, Leonardo DiCaprio

Film rating: IMDb:8.30 (18 606) expectation:98% (207)

Age for viewing: 12+
